Hi! How have you been? Are you the winner?! July 2017

Hey! How have you been? Have you been on any cool waterful adventures lately? I'd love to hear all about them! This is the third quarter E-Letter I'm sending out for 2017, which is so full of awesome-ness I imagine it to be blinking bright and shiny in your inbox! If you want to scroll down, you're going to find the following sections:
Hook Me UP!
This is where you'll find the winner of the Truli-Mi Summer Giveaway along with the four runners up and one honourable mention! BTW - If you didn't win, I arranged a FLASH sale so you can get your Truli on at a discount through my newest online retailer - Woooooo!
New Products!
In my last message to you in April, I asked for your input via a Google Survey to help me in the design of the next Truli Wetsuits product. Your responses changed my mind and made me focus in a new direction that I'm really excited about!
Truli Wetsuits Reviews & in the News!
If you're new to Truli or even for those who have been following along as my business grows, you may be interested in how we are portrayed in the media. I've featured a few of the latest media sightings below with some beautiful images, colourful graphics, and some pretty sweet content - Enjoy!
Scuba Diving Magazine (BSAC) - review
Scuba Diving Magazine (BSAC) - advert
I feel very lucky doing the work that I do mostly because I get to interact with some really amazing people. Personally, I know I couldn't have achieved all that I've done without the support of the cheerleaders in my life. In the Connections section of this E-Letter, you'll see me give some shout-outs to some great resources, events, or people I want to support back.Featured Truli Girls!
Women like yourself identify a lot with the image that Truli works to convey, so it is important to me that the women I select to be Truli Girls Truli embody my mission and vision. I'm feeling super proud to announce the newest Truli Girls who possess crazy talent, creativity and leadership. You've got to get to know these women, not to mention all the other Truli Girls!
Hayley-Jo Carr, The Bahamas
Pia Oyarzun, The Bahamas
Featured Retailer!
Truli Wetsuits is predominantly my E-Comm business, but this year I had a goal to increase access to Truli around the world by getting them into retailers. Slowly but surely, I'm developing relationships with some great businesses and am happy to announce the newest online retailer, Kirk Scuba Gear. They are an online dive gear E-comm store based in London, Ontario, Canada and are able to ship all over the world.
This is self-explanatory. Treat yourself to a Truli Wetsuit today. You deserve it - Ya!
As always, I love hearing your responses and catching up with you all. I know many of you have your very own Truli Wetsuit already and I'd Truli love it if you were to write a review on the Shop Truli Wetsuits page or on the Truli Wetsuits Facebook page. Your experience with Truli will give very valuable insights that other women can use in their search for that perfect wetsuit. My next E-Letter will be out at the end of OCTOBER!
All the best and happy water play!
Yours Truli,
Mia Toose
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