Hi! How have you been? It's always been you ❤️

Hi !! How have you been?
I wonder if you've been feeling any different this year? I've noticed that the urgency to get everything done continues to exist, but people are slowing down. Is that true for you?
For me, I seem to be starting to Let. Things. Be. As. They. Are. (maybe??) Accepting the urgency of life, without actually getting everything done. Oooooh that's an uncomfortable feeling for me! I like checking things off my To-Do list!
In 2021 I have had a boom in business - A dream come true!!! However, revenue-wise, I haven't had the inventory to generate lots of sales (so frustrating). I've been in this "hurry-up and wait" existence for months now. An urgency to make decisions and move quickly, but without a sense of security in the economic world to do so. It's felt paralyzing at times. I think this is a reality for many businesses since COVID.
But ever since the new stock arrived a few weeks ago, it's like the go-gun at the start of a race just went off and I am suddenly back in business (quite literally). Although it definitely doesn't feel like a race anymore. I'm moving at my own speed. Decisions are being made. People are getting their Trulis! This is what I want in life!
Okay, so what's next then? So much! Actually there's so much more than what I am including in this E-letter, but let's start here. Scroll down to learn more about:
- How I am focusing on Customer Happiness - Truli-Size-Mi, please!
- Customer Research Survey - Share your ideas/insights today (time sensitive)
- Truli Ambassadors are you - Share your photos and Reviews
- Sell your Pre-Loved Truli - Sisterhood of the Travelling Wetsuit
Thank-you always for all of your encouraging words (and purchases!) over these last months and years. They have been what keep me going on a personal level, but more importantly are creating the change we want to see in the water sport industry. It's a long process, but it will be worth it. Stay Awesome, friends! I'll be in touch :-)
Yours Truli,
Mia Toose
1% of each Truli sale is donated to Sharks4Kids

Carola is the new Truli Sizing Specialist. This is her and I at the Tobermory public library in September doing some Truli size training.
A Focus on Customer Happiness
Truli-Size-Mi, please!
If you read my last E-Letter in May, you will know that I started 2021 off in learning mode. Now, 6 or so months later, I can tell you that all of my learning has brought me to YOU. Hasn't it always, though? Your input and experiences have guided Truli to where it is today and has taught me that if I focus on your needs, my business will succeed.
That includes a new Truli Sizing Specialist, Carola, in addition to Harriet and myself to better respond to your inquiries.
As well, I tidied up the website to make the sizing and purchase process even more personalized. Truli is NOT Amazon or a mega wetsuit company. We are not click and buy. We want to get to know you and be with you throughout your Truli Wetsuit experience! If you're interested in a Truli, submit your information on the Truli-Size-Mi, please! form and we will reply with your Truli size/style recommendations and availability within 48 hours - Promise!
When you're ready, we will send you an invoice for payment and then get going on shipping and later check-in with you to see how your at-home fitting is going. We are looking forward to learning how we can help you find a good quality wetsuit that fits!
If you want to see what your size is and what's currently available now, click on the Truli-Size-Mi, please!

Time-Sensitive - The period to click on it to share your ideas and give me feedback is now over!
Share your Ideas & Insights Today (time-sensitive)
Customer Research Survey
Are there things you wish wetsuit companies would know? Complete the Truli Customer Research Survey to tell me what you want from a size-inclusive wetsuit company, how my website works for you, and what you want to see in social media. The more I know, the better I can meet your needs!
NOTE: This survey was designed by Ryerson University marketing students who I've connected with through the Fashion Zone. They needed the results to finish their capstone project so we are no longer able to accept feedback through this form.
This was about the pre-order campaign we had planned, but have since cancelled. I am not moving forward with a new stock order that will arrive late 2022 due to unreasonably long lead times, an increase in prices and the inability of the manufacturer to accommodate new design requests.
Truli Ambassadors are You
Please share your at home selfies and adventure shots so we can show the world an accurate representation of what body types, ethnicities, ages, water activities, and genders are Truli enjoying being in the water! Send your photos to hello@TruliWetsuits.com with the
Subject: Photo
Body text: "You have my permission to use my photo in your marketing, website, E-Letter, social media, and with other customers with my first name and size."
Or adapt it to meet your requirements
The more we see people who look like us in water sport/activities, the more we will inspire others to join the fun too!
Other ways to share:
Write a review of your experience to help other women who are also on the hunt for that elusive women's wetsuit!
- Write a review on the website (select the style you want to review, scroll down and look under the product photo on the left. Click "Write a Review")
- Write a review on the Truli Wetsuits Facebook page
- Join the I Heart my Truli Facebook group and share your unedited, happy-I'm-playing-in-the-water photos!

Sell your Pre-Loved Truli!
Sisterhood of the Travelling Wetsuit - Buy/Sell/Trade FB Group
Sisterhood of the Travelling Wetsuit is where you can resell a wetsuit that you purchased and can't return because you're outside of North America, or maybe you've grown out of your old Truli Wetsuit? Maybe you're just looking for a good deal!
Let your Truli travel to the next sea sister to enjoy!
Join the group on Facebook and post your pre-loved Truli for sale or let others know you're on the hunt for one. There are SO Many women in there looking to purchase a Truli.
I had the idea for the group as a way to offer price options, to keep the wetsuits in use for as long as possible and out of a landfill (or a lonely closet where they aren't being used).
Click on Sisterhood of the Travelling Wetsuit to learn more.
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