Try-a-Truli Calendar

Truli Wetsuits is working to make it easier for you to find your perfect size!

By partnering with local dive shops and retailers, Truli Wetsuits is putting all of the sizes, including plus size wetsuits and long torso wetsuits, in your community for you to TRY before you buy. 

Pre-pandemic, we had scheduled POP-up Fitting Parties and various trade shows, but these have all been postponed until 2021, so you'll see this calendar looking pretty empty for now.

In the meantime, get in touch with the Designated Fitting Sites


Truli Wetsuits Event Calendar!

Pink = Designated Fitting Site status
Green = Local Pop-up Fitting party event!
Blue = Trade Show
**All events are TRY, BUY, and receive by SHIPMENT; No inventory is kept on-hand**

NOTE:  All Truli POP-up Fitting Parties have been postponed temporarily as a precaution and effort to help contain COVID-19 with physical and social distancing.  We're still available for fittings online and by phone as per usual or by appointment at the Designated Fitting Sites.